Monday 21 June 2010


...any of you following my tweets may have seen that the last week was something of a non-event for me, as I spent the whole thing in bed with horrible gastroenteritis. So wedding planning and chatter was pretty much off the menu (what was on the menu, I hear you ask? cream crackers, water and rehydration solution. YUM!)

This week, I'm going to be having a crack at gocco, with a long term view to perhaps making some invitations. I'm just checking if it's bloggable...hopefully there'll be an update soon...

I know it's still a long way off for invitations (OK, just over a year is not that long any more) but if I'm going to make the things, then I'm going to potentially need quite a long time as I don't anticipate being amazing at this stuff (having not made things like this since childhood). Also, I want to send the invitations out just after Christmas. Most weekends are booked up for the rest of the summer. Most will be booked up at Christmas. So I should invest a little brain power in it as often as I can otherwise I'll be staring the festive season in the face with no crafty bits of card to show for it...

Oh, and I also put in a request with my Mum for her to start on bunting. She IS good at this stuff, a crafting supremo. Let's hope I inherited some of those genes...


  1. Hope you're feeling better!

    I would definitely advise starting your invitations as early as possible, I started mine with over a year to go and I'm very nearly finished with just a month before they have to be sent out! eep!
    Saying that I am far too picky for my own good and couldn't decide on a single thing!
    Have fun gocco-ing :D

  2. Hope you are feeling much better.

    I agree with Laura in that you should start the invites as soon as you can, or at least start thinking about them.

    It took me a long time to decide too but since all our guests had had save the dates, we only sent them with around 2 months to go in the end.
