Wednesday 15 June 2011

i need an old blue thing

This whole 'something old...' thing has got me flummoxed. My mum mentioned it the other day, and I realised that while I might have a new dress, I don't yet have the rest of the boxes ticked. I need something old, something borrowed and something blue.

Ideally, someone I know would have an old blue thing i could borrow. But while there was, for a while, talk of my mum digging out her blue garter, it's been lost.

Do people still do this? It seems like a nice fun tradition to follow, and it will please my mum. To which I always say, if it will please your mum or any significant person you love and it's easy/painless, then you should just do it. Life's too short to antagonise.

Hmm. Maybe I should start asking my grandmas nicely...


  1. I did that - I borrowed my mother-in-law's pearl earrings (old and borrowed) and wore blue shoes (new and blue). You ask if your grandmothers have a lace hanky with blue on to carry in your handbag?

  2. I just last week purchased a pair of blue knickers to wear with my 2nd surprise dancing dress. I am still working on the old and the borrowed (dress will be new!)

  3. I'm wearing blue pearls I was given by my Mum's cousin (old and blue) and my sister has offered to lend me her pink ones (borrowed) and we will tie them with ribbon to my wrist. Mum's cousin is really sick and might not be able to make the wedding but is an important part of my life so it means she will be part of the day. That was the only thing I knew on day 2 of being engaged.

    My firend went as far as having the sixpence in her shoe when she got married. To me that just sounds uncomfortable.
